Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Can the power of the blogosphere find me somewhere to live?

So I hope everyone is doing alright,

Due to the difficult situation mentioned a couple of posts ago, I'm thinking of moving into Washington DC proper. Currently I live in Frederick, Md, which is a great small city and really cheap but I think a change of scenery physically would help my mental scenery to change.

The issue is that I don't have a huge salary and I will be on a reasonably tight budget. So what I'm wondering is if anyone knows anybody (friends, family, whatever) who might like a roomate for a rent in the $700-800 region.

Ideally I'd like to be as downtown as possible in DC and close to a metro station. Perhaps this is a reach but you never know until you ask.

Thanks in advance to any offers.



  1. I put a email out to my office. I'll let you know what I hear.

  2. Thanks Tim, you are the man. At the moment I'm probably going to stay in the Frederick apt for a couple of months. It will let me get more mentally and emotionally stable and also give Emily time to find a new place to live where she can take the dog.

    So if there are people who say 'nothing now but my tenant/lodger/roomate moves out in December,' that would be ideal.

